Garden & Gourmet Department
9:30 a.m. Refreshments ~ 10:00 a.m. Meeting
Chairman Jane Buehler
Vice-Chairpersons Patti Franz & Cheryl Wilson
Secretary Deborah Sullivan
Treasurer Sharon L. Hall
Membership Sally Cabanski
Hospitality Barbara Edwards
Philanthropy Vicki Dixon
Sunshine/Communications Sally Butcher
Historian/Photographer Ellen Landrith
Sept. 10 Wildflowers in Nature & Landscapes
Kim Conrow, Native Plant Society of Texas
Oct. 8 Our Feathered Friends
Sherri Williams, Wild Birds Unlimited
*Nov 12 The Taste Project, Arlington
Jeff and Julie Williams, Founders
Dec. 10 Holiday Musical Magic
Presented by Fort Worth Academy of Fine Arts
Jan. 14 A Taste of Arlington: Cafe Americana
Li Best - Owner/Operator
Advance Ticket $15
Feb. 11 A Maple for Every Spot
Scott Hubble, Owner/Operator Metro Maples
Mar. 11 Healing Herbs, Medicinal Plants,
and Sacred Minerals
Cherissa Scott, Pablo Lotus Garden and Apothecary
Apr. 8 History of Chick-Fil-A
Liliana Kratc-Stadelman
*May 13 Spring Style Showcase
and Officer Installation
Style Show by Chico’s
Tickets $5
*Guest Day @Away from Club #Change of Regular Meeting