Travel Department
FOURTH WEDNESDAY ~ Meeting Time:Variable
Dues $10.00 ~ Hostess Dues $10.00
Chairman Jan Taborsky
Vice-Chairman Kay Hale & Donna Tucker
Secretary/Hospitality Carolyn Lackland
Treasurer Sharon Phemister
Membership Sandra Reams
Transportation Cheryl Wilson
Philanthropy Lewayne Putman
Communication Lee Ann Harmon
*Sep. 25 Trip Sign-Up
10 a.m.
Learn about the schedule of monthly outings.
Visit with new and old friends, and pay for your choice of events.
@Oct 23 A Day in Dallas
@#Nov. 19 Going to the Dogs
@#Dec. 19 Culture at Christmas
@Jan. 22 Why Not Waco?
@#Feb. 20 Fun in Fort Worth
@Mar. 26 Mystery Day Trip
@#Apr. 22-24 Headin' Out
@May 28 Motor to Mineral Wells
Lunch and Installation
*Guest Day @Away from Club #Change of Regular Meeting
A journey is best measured in friends instead of miles. - Tim Cahill