Literature Study Department
9:30 a.m. Refreshments ~ 10:00 a.m. Meeting
Chairman Barbara Wadley
Vice-Chairman Susan Hodges
Secretary Freda Thornton
Treasurer Laura Horton
Membership Gayle Krengel
Hospitality Jan West
Philanthropy Joann Bender
Sunshine Sheryl Rydell
Historian/Photographer Betty Thomas

Sept. 12 The Mostly True Story of Tanner and Louise
by Colleen Oakley
Presenter Phyllis Staton
Oct. 10 The Lincoln Highway by Amor Towles
Elouise Perry
Nov. 14 The Book Woman's Daughter
by Kim Michele Richardson
D'Ann Besley
Dec. 12 The Boys by Ron and Clint Howard
Gayle Krengel
Jan. 9 The Women by Kristin Hannah
Sheryl Rydell
Feb. 13 The King of Diamonds
by Rena Pederson
*Mar. 13 Guest Speaker: Maggie Campbell
Downtown Arlington Revitalization
Annual Fundraiser and Salad Luncheon
Advance Ticket $15.00
Guests Welcome!
Apr. 10 The Turtle House by Amanda Churchill
Karen Ellen Anderson
May 8 The Devil's Triangle by Catherine Coulter
Susan Hodges
*Guest Day @Away from Club #Change of Regular Meeting