Philanthropy and Community Service
The door to the human heart can be opened only from the inside.
Through philanthropy projects and funding scholarships, the Arlington Woman's Club has donated to local organizations that support social and civic concerns in the community for sixty-five years.
AWC proudly supports many local charities and citizens in need.
All AWC members are encouraged to become a partner in this proud tradition.
Arlington Life Shelter -Toiletries (ongoing)
Open Arms Health Clinic - Snacks for their volunteers (ongoing)
Sock-It-To-Me: Socks & underwear (adult & children) for the Arlington Life Shelter, Heritage & Greenbrier nursing homes. October & November.
Angel Tree - Holiday Gifts for Greenbriar Nursing Home
Toys for Tots - November & December
Spring Fling - Bagging snacks for New Day to distribute to
area school children during Spring Break
CWJC - Spring Clothing Drive
Help us maintain our 501c3 by turning in your volunteer hours.
AWC Giving Circles
The purpose of the Giving Circle is to help fund AWC scholarships.
Each member of the Giving Circle pledges $50.00 per year.
Donations to the fund are tax deductible.
Join a Giving Circle and support AWC’s outstanding scholarship winners.
Giving Circle leaders would welcome your contributions.
Please contact any of the members below and add
your contribution to this
successful and much needed program.
Lynn Binion Barbara Castano Judy Duke
Sandy Tribble Linda Lummus
How You Can Help
Help AWC every time you shop at Tom Thumb grocery store at no cost to you.
They will donate up to 3% of your total grocery bill to AWC each time
you check out at Tom Thumb/Safeway.
Please ask the service desk to link your reward card to AWC, charity #800
Support AWC on North Texas Giving Day, beginning Sept 1, 2024.
Click here to Donate now to AWC