Night Department
6:45 p.m. Dinner ~ 7:15 p.m. Program
Chairman Kim Murphy
Vice-Chairman H.Suzanne Kelley
Secretary Stephanie Ott
Treasurer Jeanette Speed
Membership Karen Bornsen
Co-Hospitality Lisa Landolt & Sandra Reams
Philanthropy Tracy Palmer
Sunshine Brenda Turner
Historian/Photographer Joyce Spinks
Invocation Brandi Dalton

Sept. 16 Bunco - Anyone? Everyone!
$5 Ticket
Oct. 21 Women in Basketball
Coach Wright, UTA
*Nov. 18 If You Only Knew (DNA)
Lezlee Liljenberg
Advance Ticket $20
Dec. 16 Run, Run Rudolph!
Memory Musical Group
Jan. 20 Planning for Tomorrow
David Petter
Feb. 17 International Corridor
Linda Dipert
*Mar. 17 Rearview Reflections
Danny Armstrong
Apr. 21 Historical Tourism
Presenter: Brian Burns
@May 19 Seabiscuit's Connection and Installation
of Officers at Top O' Hill
Vicki Bryan
Advance tickets $20
*Guest Day @Away from Club #Change of Regular Meeting